Inspired Actions

When I reflect on the last few years, and put my finger on what truly made my heart sing at work, it was when I engaged in the act of selfless giving.

I would deliver a talk to an audience and give them my heart and soul.

I would train a group of people and seek to inspire them to make meaningful changes in the way they operate in business.

I would consult to an organisation in a manner to solve a pressing problem for them with all my love.

And finally, I would coach a client 121 with an accountability stick to guide them towards progress without ever wanting the outcome more than they wanted it for themselves. 

Equally, I have chased the carrot for personal glory too. And how wonderful the Universe operates!

Each time I did, I was treated on a learning experience that taught me better. One that reminded me of the Universal Laws such as The Law Of Cause and Effect, The Law of Fair Exchange, The Law of Detachment, The Law of Intent and Desire, The Law of Least Effort, The Law of...

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5 Free Resources For You!

I've been busy creating more free resources to help you succeed.

Let me summarise them briefly for you, so that you know which ones are most relevant for you:

  1. Time Management. After years of facilitating time management programs by Brian Tracy and others, I created my own little system that is now freely available to you. It includes my #1 tool AND 4 training videos to boost your personal productivity starting today. 
  2. DIGITAL Business Development. In conjunction with my daily Facebook Live streams, I created a 21-day challenge booklet. People love the content that I am putting out there, so you might as well join the challenge too and grow your business now!
  3. Business Development Mindset & Skills. I have a few hard copies left of my best-selling book "Selling Is Out. Create Buy-In". I paid for them. If you want one, just take care of shipping and handling. I suggest you get a free copy now before purchasing it at $37 retail.
  4. Service Providers. If you...
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Back by demand: The Personal Productive Page!


Time management, personal productivity, high performance systems, daily planning, success automation... Different names for the same high value task: working smarter, not harder.

I've researched the topic for a number of years, facilitated a large number of programmes inside various organisations only to find that 5 minutes of deliberate planning every day smashes any other productivity system out of the park! My system is called the Daily Productivity Page (download it below) and I invite you to have a run with it.

Step 1 has to do with your long term vision. As Stephen Covey suggests, start with the ideal end in mind. Write down your top 10 goals daily before you start working. They give you future direction and guidance to make smart decisions in the here and now.

Step 2 breaks the process down in bite sized chunks. Write down your ideal outcomes for the day (or week). Mind the word "outcomes" - not "activities". Develop a results mindset instead of a busy-ness mindset.

Step 3...

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Get your share of $13,828.50 in prizes!


We don't let the CoronaVirus stop us. 

We choose to remain proactive and chase our dreams no matter what.

We have a major definite purpose, and we are here to fulfil it.

If anything, this pandemic or crisis, provides us with the necessary drive to transform our lives, businesses and society at large. We can no longer be complacent.

I want to support you in leading change. 

The following prizes can be won over the course of the next few weeks:

  • 3 months of Bronze Membership for 3 Individuals: $243 value
  • 3 months of Bronze Membership for 3 Teams: $603 value
  • The Science Behind Confidence for 2 people --> SAM DOMAN and ___ are the winners!
  • Speak Up Clean Up for 2 people: $394 value --> CHAD MCMURREN and ___ are the winners!
  • Communication Mastery (excluding DISC) for 2 people: $994 value
  • Communication Mastery 2.0 (VIP Package) for 1 person: $1,495 value ---> SAM DOMAN is the winner!
  • Business Development Academy for 1 person: $1,426.50 value
  • Best Year Ever for 1...
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Changes I am making for you (COVID-19)


As promised, Tom, I hereby fill you in on the very changes that I am making to be of greater service to you.

Needless to remind you that times are difficult: jobs are drying up, there is social distancing until we will all have to stay home, people are unwell, etc. 

While this can easily bring us down, it is my job to provide guidance, cheer you up and show you the various opportunities to make the most of the situation so that you can still thrive NOW.

As a reminder, we will be spending more time at home in the coming weeks and months... Whether you like it or not. We will have more time at hands. I suggest we invest a portion of that time in "meaningful" activities

One, for sure, is to deepen your relationship with people you care about. Family, friends, clients. Skype, FaceTime and WhatsApp are our ally. We all need human connection and feel loved.

Secondly, we want to look after ourselves. Only when we are in a good place within (mentally,...

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It's gonna hurt, BUT

coronavirus reassurance Mar 25, 2020

I really feel for everyone.

I feel for you and your family.

The CoronaVirus pandemic is causing people a lot of anxiety, fear, worries and concerns. We have lots of questions about what the future holds:

"How long is this going to go for?"

"Is my income secure?"

"When will we see our friends and family again in a normal way?"

"Is our economy capable of getting through this without too many casualties?"

Speaking of the latter, there is no doubt that this is going to hurt us.

Everyone is affected in some shape or form. 

Lucky for us, crises not only bring the worst out of people. They also give people a new chance to bond with each other, not to take everything for granted, and truly revisit the meaning of life.

Now that we will have more time to reflect at home, I encourage you to use your time wisely.

Before Corona, we often delayed important decisions because of 'lack of time'. Well, you will have plenty of it now. So instead of watching Stan, Netflix and Google...

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What to do with a SERVICES-based business amidst the CoronaVirus pandemic

A lot of people are expressing their concern about their business and their livelihood amidst the Corona pandemic.

You might be worried too.

I really feel for everyone, as I have a services business as well.

Having said that, I also see how this crisis is helping us all to make our business more bullet proof and agile, by embracing technologies that have been available for years. 

Most importantly, the question is HOW to continue trading and servicing clients whilst maintaining a healthy cashflow and continue receiving an income.

Especially when more stringent measures will be taken by government and others to flatten the curve and delay severe consequences from coronavirus infections nearby. 

Watch my new video for guidance on what to do with a services-based business in these times.

In addition, I also want to invite you on a live call with me and Ray Behan tonight at 7 pm Adelaide time.

In this mind-blowing FREE webinar, you'll learn the secrets behind the...

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Get this right and all the rest is easy

If you could develop the number one skill to become highly successful in business and life, would you want to learn more?

Let me lift the curtain for you in my new video. Learn more

You'll be astonished as to the amount of money you are leaving on the table right now as you take it loosely with this (often undervalued, yet powerful) skill.

By the way... Affluent people certainly know and appreciate the value of this skill. They learned to master it long before they made it, because it makes a world of difference.

I also share my personal experiences and numbers in full transparency with you, so that they can motivate you to perform at a higher level as well.

Thanks for following my journey.

Here's to your success!

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication MasterySpeak Up Clean Up, and Best Year Ever
Seminar Leader of Business Development Academy and Purpose Passion Power 
The Business of Life Coach

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click funnels or Kajabi: which one is king?

You might be thinking
"between clickfunnels on the one hand and kajabi on the other hand, which one is king? Which one would be the best suited for me?"
Well, I've obviously got some experience in working with all sorts of technologies online including those too and I wanted to give you a little bit of an insight in terms of what I think based on my experience with these platforms and others which one really is King but different people need different things and so you'll see based on the three main points that I'm going to be sharing with you which one would be most suitable for you.
First things first: I think that there is a big difference in main focus between the two platforms.
Whilst click funnels is heavily focused on marketing and selling anything (whether it's online training, an event, a product like a DVD or a CD, or a program or a book...
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Starting with the ideal end in mind

what is your destination?

I mean... If there is a place that you want to get to in your life or business, where is it? What is your burning desire to achieve? 

You might recall the author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People", Stephen Covey. 

He came up with the idea that, before you start any day, task or project, you want to clarify your desired outcome upfront. That is: before you launch yourself into action, you want to visualise your destination vividly and then work your way back.

People often get challenged by competing priorities. They also think that they have more things to do than time available for completion. 

When we get caught up in the whirlwind of activities, there is a risk to loose sight of what truly matters. 

Are you busy? 

Chances are that you are. 

I mean... are you really busy making progress towards the end you have in mind?

And do you know where you are headed? 

You see, you might be busy doing all sorts of...

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