A disconnect

The #1 thing that stands in the way of your success is a disconnect.

Just like a radio that doesn't tune in with the right frequency, or a poorly adjusted guitar, you too are either fully connected or disconnected.

What I mean by that, is the relationship between your head and your heart.

If you recall the famous saying by Napeleon Hill "What man can conceive and believe, he can achieve" - you read about head ("conceive") and heart ("believe") working in unison. They are congruent and therefore bear fruit ("achieve").

So in what area of your life do you have a disconnect playing out?

I ask, because... Anytime we entertain a disconnect, we pay a price for it.

For example:

  • If you have the slightest conflict about "money", you will find reasons to experience a lack of money.
  • If you think or believe that you are not meant to have a happy relationship, you will find ways to sabotage your love life.
  • If you feel that you are not worthy of love, you might overeat, not take care of...
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RIP Bob Proctor

Sad news:

Bob Proctor, one of the world’s leaders in the self-help industry, passed away 3rd February 2022. 

Doug Wead, Former Special Assistant to the President in the Bush White House wrote the following: 

“Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul, the master storyteller, Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker.” 

How interesting that he died at age 88, given the numerological meaning of the master number 88: 

"Number 8 alone symbolizes infinity and balance. Its amplified version, Number 88, can be especially entrepreneurial. It carries 8 times the intuitive energies of Master Number 11 as well as 4 times the visionary and manifestation of Master Number 22. It is double the business-like, disciplined, persistent, and structured energies of Number 44. But make no mistake, Number 88 is far from shallow, materialistic, and only...

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Covid and Self-Control

As I was looking to share a great message with you from my YouTube channel, I stumbled across a short livestream I did last January...

It was on the topic of Covid and how it affects our self-control.

It's interesting... Personally, I retook my emotional intelligence assessment to see how I had done since the first time two years prior. 

I wanted to understand whether my EQ quadrants and subcategories had gone up, down or stayed equal. 

So fascinating what resulted!

In the video below, I'll share exactly what came out along with 3 valuable lessons that you can apply in your life.

And to spice it up even more: SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

I'll make another valuable prize available for those people who engage in the comments below the video as I mentioned. 

The lucky winner will be drawn Monday.

Watch the video here now and leave me a comment

(you got to be in it to win it :)


Oh... before I forget...

If you haven't participated in my free online workshop "3 Essential...

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What was and what will be - 12 learning lessons

We rolled into 2022 and the question now is: what are you going to do differently this year?

This can be the year in which you absolutely crush it.

The year in which you open your heart, expand your mind, clarify your vision, break through personal limitations and succeed greatly.

Abundance is what I want for you in all areas of life. 

Having reflected on 2021, I'd like to share my 12 learning lessons with you as they might serve you too:

1. The importance of connection through community and family.
2. The world reflects what goes on inside. Think good and you see good.
3. When travel is restricted, people are put to the test. Inspiration is a choice that reveals itself in our activities. TV rarely is inspiring.
4. Less is more. You can do less and be more productive at work. Focus on what’s valuable.
5. Cracking the digital marketplace can be difficult but is worth investing in.
6. Personal wealth can increase fast (passively) when you have...
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3 Focus Points

clarity health wealth Dec 17, 2021

I'm not sure about you but we are wrapping things up here - gifts as well as business! 

Before heading into the festive season, I'd like to express my gratitude for coming along the journey with me. 

Secondly, I want to support you in three meaningful ways for 2022:

  1. Make time for CLARITY. Give yourself the gift of a clear mind, heart and direction. You can only attain it by investing time and making efforts. Should you like some help with it, join me mid January for my online workshop designed to give you clarity, purpose, energy and focus. Register here
  2. Keep an eye on your HEALTH. Your body is your temple. We will be eating and drinking a lot more than what we need, so it's a good idea to go back to basics. Some time ago, Don Tolman, the health guru, and I created a thought provoking interview that we split in 8 short video segments for you to enjoy. Start here
  3. Build your WEALTH. Both in terms of knowledge and skills but also financially speaking. The...
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Letting go

We are moving into a really special time. And I am not referring to Christmas or New Year.

What we are talking about is the weeks prior to the festive season.

Reason being: the next three weeks is where you make your bed for 2022. 

What will happen in 2022 largely relies on the actions you take NOW.

One of those actions, along with reflection and planning, is letting go.

All the coaching calls that I have done over the past 11 months clearly show to me that people are holding on to negative sentiment of some kind.

Trauma, disappointment, loss, pain, grudges... you name it.

The thing is: from an energetic perspective, none of them is uplifting, energising or inspiring.


How can you show up at your best if you allow negativity to drag you down?

How can you transcend mediocrity and reach for the stars instead?

The answer is: it starts by giving yourself permission to do something extraordinary on planet earth.

The fact is that you have your special...

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Seeking Your Input

I have a question for you. 

Let me put it in perspective first... I'm planning ahead for what's going to be a BIG year in 2022. I also love dialogue.

While I'm helping new clients in the Americas, Europe and Australasia go through three different coaching programs multiple times a year, it's important that I stay relevant and deliver value to all my subscribers and readers. 

That's why I am reaching out to you today to ask for your input, so that I can create relevant content and events that move the needle for you right now.

So, my question to you is short and simple:

When it comes to PERSONAL MASTERY and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, what would help you be more successful?

In other words, what specific help are you looking for in those two areas so that I can serve you better?

Please explain in three sentences or less. Just email [email protected] and, although it might take a while, I'll endeavour to get back to you personally.

Thanks a million :-)

Bram Lagrou

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And then... he was gone

Yesterday, I met with someone I really value. 

He talked about his father passing away unexpectedly and they hadn't been able to resolve a conflict between them that has lasted for years. 

Needless to say that he felt disturbed and sad that the last opportunity to resolve the matter with his dad had vanished. 

I feel for them, because I had a similar situation with my uncle who I haven't spoken to for the last 7 years of his life. And then... he was gone.

Both situations show that communication can easily break down. We think we are right and the others are wrong. We'd rather be right than be happy. We let our ego get in the way. 

In business, I see a similar dynamic undermining people's success.

We judge people that are different to us. We label someone a 'difficult' client or staff member. We call them all sorts of names, just to conceal that we don't know how to deal with them effectively.

Seriously - it's not about them, but all about us.

Blaming others is so...

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Talking love business

I'm hosting a popular online event and I'd love to welcome you as my guest.

More specifically, it's a workshop designed to help you fast-track success.

Previous attendees LOVED it and so will you.

Before I tell you more about it, can I share a personal story with you?

I was 35 years of age. I had a lot going for me: my business was growing, I lived in a beautiful house in a prestigious suburb, trusted brands engaged my services, I drove a nice German car and earned good money... 

But something was missing.

After a terrible breakup with my then fiancee, I looked back on my life and realised that I felt empty within despite all the perks. I felt alone and wanted to find that special someone to share my life with.

Moreover, when I looked really deep inside myself, it became clear to me that I was 100% responsible for the series of unhappy relationships I got into. 

That's when I decided to turn things around. I intimately knew that something within me had to change...

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The Day I Got The Envelope

A few years back, I got myself into trouble.

BIG trouble.

I remember arriving at home and seeing a big envelope stuck between our two front doors. 

Andrea, my wife, and I instantly knew what it meant.

The bank sent a debt collector and was about to take away our family home.

Our instant reaction was to become anxious. Fear flared up, whether we wanted it or not.

Having said that, I also remember how my mind switched gears quickly.

Years of personal development was bearing fruits. I recognised how this situation was helping me to develop better money habits. 

Up until that point, money was easy to make, but it didn't stay for long.

It cannot when you have a mindset that thinks "money is there to fuel the economy". That's exactly where my money went!

It gets even worse when you are convinced that you have to choose between money and doing good out there...

As if you couldn't combine the two.

The point is: just as much as a happy, loving relationship is part of a...

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