I learned this the hard way

People judge others and that is their downfall.

Three years into running my own business, I realised that there was a group of people that I easily related to and did business with.

Simultaneously, there was another group of people that I didn't understand or got along with.

Because I was spinning my wheels with the latter, I called them "tire kickers", "time wasters", "bean counters", etc.

What I didn't realise at the time was that I was setting myself up for failure in advance. I shut my heart to them, which caused a disconnect. 

Think of two people being on different radio frequencies. They aren't tuning in with one another.

I wasn't getting anywhere with them and made them wrong for it.

What a coward I was.

We fail to relate to someone and blame them for our inability and lack of skills.

It is the easy way out to make someone else be "the bad one" so that we can feel better about ourselves.

How often do you point a finger at someone else like I did?

Every time you do, you can rest assured that you will feel bad in some way.

You will feel anger, frustration, resentment, disappointment, unappreciated, disrespect, and the list goes on and on.

Michelle Stanton calls it being "in the Zoo" - as opposed to being "in the Zone".

If you care about happiness and success in any field, there is NO room for negative sentiment as the byproduct of labelling. 

The best thing you can do for yourself and other people around you instead is to find the seed of good in anything and anyone. 

Instead of judging, find something you appreciate in the person or the situation.

Back to my story: I asked myself what I admired about those people that I previously judged. 

The answer was astonishing:

I realised that all the greatest buildings and technical inventions in the world were designed by engineers. The numerical precision of accountants was mind-blowing. The fact that financial planners had put structure around money was revolutionary for the spender I was at the time. 

A new decision was made.

I spent the following 6 months with analytical people at the ratio of 8 meetings per week to fully understand in my head and appreciate in my heart where they were coming from.

And you know what? I finally got it.

My self-imposed "Internship" paid off. I felt closer to these men and women. I enjoyed talking to them. I opened my heart to them.

By the Law of Reciprocity, they opened their heart and engaged my services. 

My business doubled the same year thanks to them.

I worked less and earned more. What was "hard" before became "easy".

It all started with a change in ME.

You can do the same.

Communication Mastery is the way


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