Have you McDonaldized your sales process?

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Does the one fit all?

If you live in an Anglo Saxon country, would you start speaking French in a store and expect people to understand?

Equally, imagine going into an Anglo Saxon boardroom to pitch your "grand idea" or solution and do it in Japanese?

My point of the analogy is this: people speak 4 different languages in terms of DISC and yet we keep forcing our native language (D, I, S or C) on others even though we get push back, misunderstandings, fallouts and resistance. 

Even worse: we all heard about the definition of madness, which is doing the same old thing and expect a different result.

Is that smart?

Let's bring it back to business now.

Closing ratios depend on our ability to speak the 4 DISC languages fluently. 

Moreover, our sales process is not a simple "one size fits all approach" as so many gurus wrongfully claim. 

In fact, you want to cater for the differences as you read into each situation.

Here are three proven ways to do so:

  1. Adapt your approach by matching their...
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Introducing "Frames"

In your business, do you run promotions?

I ask, because there is a bit of of controversy around this...

You know... you run a promotion until a certain deadline upon which it expires. 

The reason you do so is to create urgency along with an incentive for people to take up your offer. People start experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out). 

Businesses have been using promotions for as long as we can remember, because they work a treat!

That's why we have things like Boxing Day Shopping or End of The Financial Year Clearance.

Everybody loves getting a better deal...

But there is more to it.

The other week, people in our business development coaching community raised the question whether or not we should extend promotions that are time-sensitive.

It's an excellent question.

Imagine that a client approaches you past the expiry date, saying something along the lines of "Sorry, I was away on holidays. Surely you can still honour the promotion?"

What do you do in that...

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The Brain Elevator & How To Create Buy-In

Yesterday, I was invited to deliver soft skills training to a group of 25 financial planners and support staff. 

There is one particular piece of content that I absolutely want to share with you, because it so easy to miss the ball if you are not aware of this.

It is the #1 reason why clients feel pressured or uncomfortable and opt out of your products and services. 

Don't pay the price of ignorance. Instead, work with the flow. The human brain is wired like an elevator.

In my latest video, I show you how to follow three steps that satisfy all parts of the brain to create buy-in.

If you do this well, you don't have to sell anything. Buying desire in the client's mind happens automatically.

Watch my new video on The Brain Elevator here

Let me know your thoughts below the video. 

Your success coach,

Bram Lagrou

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Inspired Actions

When I reflect on the last few years, and put my finger on what truly made my heart sing at work, it was when I engaged in the act of selfless giving.

I would deliver a talk to an audience and give them my heart and soul.

I would train a group of people and seek to inspire them to make meaningful changes in the way they operate in business.

I would consult to an organisation in a manner to solve a pressing problem for them with all my love.

And finally, I would coach a client 121 with an accountability stick to guide them towards progress without ever wanting the outcome more than they wanted it for themselves. 

Equally, I have chased the carrot for personal glory too. And how wonderful the Universe operates!

Each time I did, I was treated on a learning experience that taught me better. One that reminded me of the Universal Laws such as The Law Of Cause and Effect, The Law of Fair Exchange, The Law of Detachment, The Law of Intent and Desire, The Law of Least Effort, The Law of...

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What to do with a SERVICES-based business amidst the CoronaVirus pandemic

A lot of people are expressing their concern about their business and their livelihood amidst the Corona pandemic.

You might be worried too.

I really feel for everyone, as I have a services business as well.

Having said that, I also see how this crisis is helping us all to make our business more bullet proof and agile, by embracing technologies that have been available for years. 

Most importantly, the question is HOW to continue trading and servicing clients whilst maintaining a healthy cashflow and continue receiving an income.

Especially when more stringent measures will be taken by government and others to flatten the curve and delay severe consequences from coronavirus infections nearby. 

Watch my new video for guidance on what to do with a services-based business in these times.

In addition, I also want to invite you on a live call with me and Ray Behan tonight at 7 pm Adelaide time.

In this mind-blowing FREE webinar, you'll learn the secrets behind the...

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If we would have known...

If you would have known what you know now 10 years ago, is it possible that you would have done things differently back then?

This definitely is a positive for me. In April 2020, I will be running my business for 10 years. ONE DECADE!!!

I realised that, as Members asked me about how to build a business while enjoying life, there is so much knowhow that turns everything upside down. That is, for the better!

  • How we 'spend' our time... And how we can 'invest' it instead.
  • What we can leverage, automate, streamline and delegate...
  • How we create freedom thanks to multiple income streams...
  • What incredible technologies are available to make life easy...
  • How to avoid costly mistakes... And the realisation that there is always a price to pay.
  • What not to do, and what to start sooner...
  • And the list goes on and on.

It is such a big topic. And I realise that people often buy themselves a job.

There is nothing glamours in doing so. 

I also am well aware that people often pursue...

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