If we would have known...

If you would have known what you know now 10 years ago, is it possible that you would have done things differently back then?

This definitely is a positive for me. In April 2020, I will be running my business for 10 years. ONE DECADE!!!

I realised that, as Members asked me about how to build a business while enjoying life, there is so much knowhow that turns everything upside down. That is, for the better!

  • How we 'spend' our time... And how we can 'invest' it instead.
  • What we can leverage, automate, streamline and delegate...
  • How we create freedom thanks to multiple income streams...
  • What incredible technologies are available to make life easy...
  • How to avoid costly mistakes... And the realisation that there is always a price to pay.
  • What not to do, and what to start sooner...
  • And the list goes on and on.

It is such a big topic. And I realise that people often buy themselves a job.

There is nothing glamours in doing so. 

I also am well aware that people often pursue...

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Your marketing SUCKS!

I'm not being rude here. It's just a fact if you don't get this right.

While I was working with a sales team yesterday, it occurred to me how much people are hard wired to market their message, communicate with other humans and network for business purposes in a way that TOTALLY alienates the brain.

Have you ever heard of "premature invitation"? 

What it comes down to is us walking over to a stranger at a bar asking him/her to come home with us right away.

If you ever tried this, no matter your personal charm, confidence, sales skills and communication abilities, chances are that you soon learned the hard way - in the face. 

The same way you wouldn't do this to start dating someone you fancy, you wouldn't go for the kill in your marketing messages. 

At least, until you assess how you have been doing it until now...

Watch my new video to let you in on the secrets of 3 levels of messaging - based on psychology, neuroscience... and yes... neuro-economy! 


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