Introducing "Frames"

In your business, do you run promotions?

I ask, because there is a bit of of controversy around this...

You know... you run a promotion until a certain deadline upon which it expires. 

The reason you do so is to create urgency along with an incentive for people to take up your offer. People start experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out). 

Businesses have been using promotions for as long as we can remember, because they work a treat!

That's why we have things like Boxing Day Shopping or End of The Financial Year Clearance.

Everybody loves getting a better deal...

But there is more to it.

The other week, people in our business development coaching community raised the question whether or not we should extend promotions that are time-sensitive.

It's an excellent question.

Imagine that a client approaches you past the expiry date, saying something along the lines of "Sorry, I was away on holidays. Surely you can still honour the promotion?"

What do you do in that case?

One person in our coaching group suggested to look after the client no matter what. Ultimately, in his view, you want the client to be happy, so you'd still offer them the same deal.

You can do this, but notice what happens every time you move the goal post... 

  1. Firstly, you add fuel to the preconceived idea that promotions are a 'sales' thing. Something arbitrary that belongs to the book of tricks.
  2. Secondly, you encourage clients in taking your promotions not seriously, thus reducing future results drastically. 
  3. And thirdly, you lower your moral authority each time you allow others to walk away with a deal they didn't deserve.

Let me explain by using an analogy... As parents, we try teaching our kids that our word means something. Right?

When we say A, we truly mean A. "We said 10 minutes ago that you'll be going to bed. Time is up. Off you go now."

When we say B, we truly mean B. "Only one treat a day. You already had one. That's it for today."

However,  some parents allow their kids to push the boundaries and keep moving the goal post. 

As soon as we do it once, the kids are encouraged to disrespect our wishes and push us around again in the future.

The same applies to clients. 

If you don't honour your own word, how can you expect clients ever will?

This is where "frames" come in. 

As long as you operate beyond the level of 'sales' promotions, truly honouring expiry dates because of the principle, you strengthen your moral authority. 

Out of all the frames possible, this one is the most powerful one - done right.

What are frames, you might ask. Well, see them as competing energies between people. 

It's not about love and peace making. Rather, about one frame absorbing the other. 

In our situation... you can let the client's frame absorb yours, meaning they impose their will and you give in OR you can stand firmly and honour the principle (of being on time, for example).

In the latter case, you operate like the gate of an airport. The plane doesn't wait for people that are late. It takes off, as scheduled, for the sake of those that boarded on time.

Here's the thing: you don't want to weaken your position for the sake of money.

You don't want to come across as desperate by moving the goal post just to get a sale.

My experience is such, that by adhering to strong values such as "honouring your word", "being on time", "rewarding good behaviour" and so forth, you build deeper relationships and clear communication that people can trust.

Contrast that with business people that are always 'flexible' to get a deal across the line (at all cost). How much do you trust them?

Next week, I'll share a real story that happened to me with two prospects from Switzerland coming at me with the "power frame". Quite intimidating for most people. I'll share how I handled it.

Before we go, I'd like to remind you that I honour my word.

When I recently shared the opportunity with you to take up my A to Z business development success system as part of the Boxset Offer with 85% off, I did so because I genuinely want to help you grow revenue and profit, easier and faster.

To be clear: I am the pilot here, and your plane is about to take off. The gate is closing Thursday 17th June at 5 pm ACDT with or without you.

Punctuality is rewarded.

Enter the gate to claim the BDA 1 Boxset Offer now

Shipment is included anywhere in the world.

To your success,

Bram Lagrou


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