Your Network


It is often said that your network determines your net worth. More about it in this video.

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Is "helping" a dirty word?



Often when we talk about selling, people cringe because the word triggers negative connotations for them. And it's justified when salespeople are being sleazy and take clients for a ride. 

On the other hand, I know a great deal of salespeople who love their clients and have their back. They are providing value adding services, help customers to invest in them so they can enjoy the many benefits and therefore "help". 

"Selling" is not required as long as we help to uncover needs and wants, then show clients relevant ways to address them, and make them feel comfortable about making a decision. There is no strict selling when we find out what it is a client wants, and then give exactly that to them. 

In this approach, selling is caring. 

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Referred to a multi-billion $ company

A friend rang me recently, sharing a thought-provoking story with me.

Imagine a dream client for a second… A multi billion dollar company that is referred to you by a trusted advisor that is doing business with them already.

You are debriefed on the opportunity at hand. You also are told exactly what the client is looking for in your area of expertise. Even the conditions are uncovered and the fact that price is not an issue. Reliability and quality are though. Your contact continues to advise you that the company is cautious at first, but quick to shift gears once they trust the product and the support infrastructure behind it.

Back to the story now…

My friend was stunned that, despite the opportunity being presented on a silver platter, along with all the insights needed to win the business, the person he referred to was not closing.

Even more mindboggling, the person involved is a regarded business coach and an executive of a multi-million dollar business.


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