Covid and Self-Control

As I was looking to share a great message with you from my YouTube channel, I stumbled across a short livestream I did last January...

It was on the topic of Covid and how it affects our self-control.

It's interesting... Personally, I retook my emotional intelligence assessment to see how I had done since the first time two years prior. 

I wanted to understand whether my EQ quadrants and subcategories had gone up, down or stayed equal. 

So fascinating what resulted!

In the video below, I'll share exactly what came out along with 3 valuable lessons that you can apply in your life.

And to spice it up even more: SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

I'll make another valuable prize available for those people who engage in the comments below the video as I mentioned. 

The lucky winner will be drawn Monday.

Watch the video here now and leave me a comment

(you got to be in it to win it :)


Oh... before I forget...

If you haven't participated in my free online workshop "3 Essential...

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EQ series, part 3: Consciousness & Assertiveness


Last night, I watched an episode of Suits on Netflix. If you don't know this series, it's about a top end NY law firm. Very entertaining! 

Anyway, one of the name partners, Louis Litt, turned out to be bullied in school. He lacked the ability to stand up for himself.

It occurred to me that at one stage, most people have had a similar painful experience in which they felt out of control and gave in to someone else.

Sounds familiar?

I bet it does. I’ve been there too.

Time to become a superhero!

Learn how to become more conscious and assertive in my new video training

Consciousness and assertiveness are the third out of twenty elements that make up your emotional intelligence (in short: EI or EQ). 

Because we can measure it, we can transform it.

We also know that there is a fine balance between been blunt and borderline aggressive on one hand, and overly pleasing and submissive on the other. 

An assertive person has developed the ability to say their truth while...

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EQ series, part 2: Self-Awareness


Most probably, you have met business leaders whose behaviour truly put you off, without them even knowing. Right?

You also might have met salespeople who made you feel really awkward as a client and still be completely oblivious to your emotional experience...

I certainly remember how I kept repeating a destructive pattern until well into my thirties before I became more self-aware. Only then, did I make a commitment to make a change for the better.

Self-awareness is one of twenty subcategories of emotional intelligence. 

Because we can measure it, we can transform it.

Watch my second video in this series on EQ

Why would you watch it?

  • Great leaders have developed high levels of EQ
  • Exceptional sales professionals, especially those in the top 10%, have high levels of EQ
  • People that society perceives as unique role models and human beings tend to display high levels of EQ

The opposite is true too: poor leaders, average salesmen and women, and questionable citizens tend to stay...

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EQ series, part 1: Self-Esteem


Time to get personal!

Since March 2020, I noticed that many people got a beating. That is: emotionally speaking.

It made me launch a new series on emotional intelligence (EI or EQ in short). I'll show you what it consists of and how you build each element of it.

In the first video, we'll look at building self-appreciation, self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Golden nuggets - and yes - next time the small video will actually show my full face!!

Watch the new training here

Interesting times, for sure!

Looking forward to reading your comments and questions. Just select the Facebook button.

Note: even if no one else cares about you - the last man/woman standing should be you. 

Is it time to build your self-esteem?

Let me know.

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication Mastery, Business Development Academy and Digital Business Development Formula
Lead facilitator of Gold Membership
EQ Coach

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Get this right and all the rest is easy

If you could develop the number one skill to become highly successful in business and life, would you want to learn more?

Let me lift the curtain for you in my new video. Learn more

You'll be astonished as to the amount of money you are leaving on the table right now as you take it loosely with this (often undervalued, yet powerful) skill.

By the way... Affluent people certainly know and appreciate the value of this skill. They learned to master it long before they made it, because it makes a world of difference.

I also share my personal experiences and numbers in full transparency with you, so that they can motivate you to perform at a higher level as well.

Thanks for following my journey.

Here's to your success!

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication MasterySpeak Up Clean Up, and Best Year Ever
Seminar Leader of Business Development Academy and Purpose Passion Power 
The Business of Life Coach

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Referred to a multi-billion $ company

A friend rang me recently, sharing a thought-provoking story with me.

Imagine a dream client for a second… A multi billion dollar company that is referred to you by a trusted advisor that is doing business with them already.

You are debriefed on the opportunity at hand. You also are told exactly what the client is looking for in your area of expertise. Even the conditions are uncovered and the fact that price is not an issue. Reliability and quality are though. Your contact continues to advise you that the company is cautious at first, but quick to shift gears once they trust the product and the support infrastructure behind it.

Back to the story now…

My friend was stunned that, despite the opportunity being presented on a silver platter, along with all the insights needed to win the business, the person he referred to was not closing.

Even more mindboggling, the person involved is a regarded business coach and an executive of a multi-million dollar business.


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