Covid and Self-Control

As I was looking to share a great message with you from my YouTube channel, I stumbled across a short livestream I did last January...

It was on the topic of Covid and how it affects our self-control.

It's interesting... Personally, I retook my emotional intelligence assessment to see how I had done since the first time two years prior. 

I wanted to understand whether my EQ quadrants and subcategories had gone up, down or stayed equal. 

So fascinating what resulted!

In the video below, I'll share exactly what came out along with 3 valuable lessons that you can apply in your life.

And to spice it up even more: SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

I'll make another valuable prize available for those people who engage in the comments below the video as I mentioned. 

The lucky winner will be drawn Monday.

Watch the video here now and leave me a comment

(you got to be in it to win it :)


Oh... before I forget...

If you haven't participated in my free online workshop "3 Essential...

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All systems GO and then...

For many years, I used to be driven to perform.

I worked long hours to reach the top of my field.

I ran marathons and ultramarathons, competitively. 

I was hungry to achieve.

And then, something happened. I lost my way. I didn't care as much any more. I let go of my goals and aspirations. Everything suffered.

It is only recently that I dusted myself off and clarified a new pathway to move forward again.

Do you know the feeling, Amanda?

Knowing where I have been and where I want to go are two different goal posts. 

We can measure them. And what we measure, we can change radically. 

Being crystal clear matters. 

But I also learned that our mind can be confused, blurry and unfocused. Our actions then are uncoordinated. They lack impact and strength. 

Now, more than ever, do I value clarity of mind, a burning passion and focused effort. 

Our energy and drive depend on them. Whenever we catch ourselves on "being low on energy", it just means that...

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goal achievement success Aug 31, 2019

Secret tool number two is: your goals.

GOALS for me is an acronym for “Guided Objectives and Aspirations for Life and Service”.

What I mean by that is, that we seek meaning in what we do, we value guidance and clarity about what truly matters to us, so that we can live a good life that suits us, while being of services to others.

What is it that you aspire to? What are the heart’s desires that you actively pursue?

No matter the chosen field or timeline involved, you can do it. You can achieve at both the small and the extraordinary.

I believe in you and hope that you believe in yourself too.

In my experience, many people don’t have goals. At least not real goals.

A real goal drives you to succeed. It guides you and links to your personal values and aspirations. Your heart is involved, while your brain sees clearly. Moreover, it is written down in line with a proven formula, and you have a specific timeframe attached to it so that you can be held accountable...

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