All systems GO and then...

For many years, I used to be driven to perform.

I worked long hours to reach the top of my field.

I ran marathons and ultramarathons, competitively. 

I was hungry to achieve.

And then, something happened. I lost my way. I didn't care as much any more. I let go of my goals and aspirations. Everything suffered.

It is only recently that I dusted myself off and clarified a new pathway to move forward again.

Do you know the feeling, Amanda?

Knowing where I have been and where I want to go are two different goal posts. 

We can measure them. And what we measure, we can change radically. 

Being crystal clear matters. 

But I also learned that our mind can be confused, blurry and unfocused. Our actions then are uncoordinated. They lack impact and strength. 

Now, more than ever, do I value clarity of mind, a burning passion and focused effort. 

Our energy and drive depend on them. Whenever we catch ourselves on "being low on energy", it just means that...

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Knowing Yourself

“Know thyself” professed the Oracle of Delphi.

Tools such as DISC and EQ assessments help us see more clearly through the maze of our own functioning.

Isn’t it interesting that the most revered and inspiring business leaders have coaches and trusted advisors, while they also read on average one book per week?

The underlying message is clear: as long as we feed our mind with mental protein, we grow.

Conversely, by feeding our mind with mental candy, we shrink.

And we have our hands on the steering wheel, Captain!

Secret tool number five: your K/S base.

Looking into the very knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the world of business development and sales today:

  1. Planning: knowing your numbers and how to allocate your time to get the best return on your investment is the master skill of success.
  2. Self management: this is your ability to manage your thoughts, feelings and actions to do what it takes. You implement your plan while keeping your ideal end in sight....
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