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One way of us doing so is by granting FREE access to the Success Community. 

The benefits are multifold: 

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Entrepreneurs: Apply Now!

We're going to sunny Cairns (Queensland) near the Great Barrier Reef in July 2022.

The Edge is a 4-day exclusive retreat for 14 entrepreneurs only.

Find out more and apply here

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All systems GO and then...

For many years, I used to be driven to perform.

I worked long hours to reach the top of my field.

I ran marathons and ultramarathons, competitively. 

I was hungry to achieve.

And then, something happened. I lost my way. I didn't care as much any more. I let go of my goals and aspirations. Everything suffered.

It is only recently that I dusted myself off and clarified a new pathway to move forward again.

Do you know the feeling, Amanda?

Knowing where I have been and where I want to go are two different goal posts. 

We can measure them. And what we measure, we can change radically. 

Being crystal clear matters. 

But I also learned that our mind can be confused, blurry and unfocused. Our actions then are uncoordinated. They lack impact and strength. 

Now, more than ever, do I value clarity of mind, a burning passion and focused effort. 

Our energy and drive depend on them. Whenever we catch ourselves on "being low on energy", it just means that...

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