Does the one fit all?

If you live in an Anglo Saxon country, would you start speaking French in a store and expect people to understand?

Equally, imagine going into an Anglo Saxon boardroom to pitch your "grand idea" or solution and do it in Japanese?

My point of the analogy is this: people speak 4 different languages in terms of DISC and yet we keep forcing our native language (D, I, S or C) on others even though we get push back, misunderstandings, fallouts and resistance. 

Even worse: we all heard about the definition of madness, which is doing the same old thing and expect a different result.

Is that smart?

Let's bring it back to business now.

Closing ratios depend on our ability to speak the 4 DISC languages fluently. 

Moreover, our sales process is not a simple "one size fits all approach" as so many gurus wrongfully claim. 

In fact, you want to cater for the differences as you read into each situation.

Here are three proven ways to do so:

  1. Adapt your approach by matching their...
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The Brain Elevator & How To Create Buy-In

Yesterday, I was invited to deliver soft skills training to a group of 25 financial planners and support staff. 

There is one particular piece of content that I absolutely want to share with you, because it so easy to miss the ball if you are not aware of this.

It is the #1 reason why clients feel pressured or uncomfortable and opt out of your products and services. 

Don't pay the price of ignorance. Instead, work with the flow. The human brain is wired like an elevator.

In my latest video, I show you how to follow three steps that satisfy all parts of the brain to create buy-in.

If you do this well, you don't have to sell anything. Buying desire in the client's mind happens automatically.

Watch my new video on The Brain Elevator here

Let me know your thoughts below the video. 

Your success coach,

Bram Lagrou

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