What to do with a SERVICES-based business amidst the CoronaVirus pandemic

A lot of people are expressing their concern about their business and their livelihood amidst the Corona pandemic.

You might be worried too.

I really feel for everyone, as I have a services business as well.

Having said that, I also see how this crisis is helping us all to make our business more bullet proof and agile, by embracing technologies that have been available for years. 

Most importantly, the question is HOW to continue trading and servicing clients whilst maintaining a healthy cashflow and continue receiving an income.

Especially when more stringent measures will be taken by government and others to flatten the curve and delay severe consequences from coronavirus infections nearby. 

Watch my new video for guidance on what to do with a services-based business in these times.

In addition, I also want to invite you on a live call with me and Ray Behan tonight at 7 pm Adelaide time.

In this mind-blowing FREE webinar, you'll learn the secrets behind the Thermodynamics of Money. Money is one of the first areas of life that gets affected when we become fearful.

Trust me: I applied what I learned from Ray and have experienced a BIG transformation financially speaking! I want you to benefit as well.

Attention though: we only host it once. Today. Be our guest. Questions are welcome.

Learn more and register here if you haven't done so yet

Last call!

In the spirit of Abundance and Wisdom,

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication MasterySpeak Up Clean Up, and Best Year Ever
Seminar Leader of Business Development Academy and Purpose Passion Power 
Host of the National $ales Conference
Business Coach


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