The Brain Elevator & How To Create Buy-In

Yesterday, I was invited to deliver soft skills training to a group of 25 financial planners and support staff. 

There is one particular piece of content that I absolutely want to share with you, because it so easy to miss the ball if you are not aware of this.

It is the #1 reason why clients feel pressured or uncomfortable and opt out of your products and services. 

Don't pay the price of ignorance. Instead, work with the flow. The human brain is wired like an elevator.

In my latest video, I show you how to follow three steps that satisfy all parts of the brain to create buy-in.

If you do this well, you don't have to sell anything. Buying desire in the client's mind happens automatically.

Watch my new video on The Brain Elevator here

Let me know your thoughts below the video. 

Your success coach,

Bram Lagrou

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Undercharging... A matter of self worth

As I am preparing for an upcoming webinar, I cannot but think about self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings in people.

What I mean is this: as soon as people need to charge for their services, their self worth will determine the amount of money they make.

Some people are very comfortable with the notion of money. They feel good about receiving money. They also value what they do and are comfortable about charging a decent amount for it.

Other people, in contrast, lack self esteem. They don't think highly of themselves or their skillset and experience, and as a consequence, UNDERCHARGE.

I think it is sad when knowledgeable, hard working professionals undervalue themselves and sell themselves short.

Not only does a lack of confidence in our own abilities and the work we do lead to less profit per transaction, it also deprives potential clients of trust in our abilities.

Here is the thing: if we don't trust ourselves, how can others ever do? If we don't value ourselves, how...

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All systems GO and then...

For many years, I used to be driven to perform.

I worked long hours to reach the top of my field.

I ran marathons and ultramarathons, competitively. 

I was hungry to achieve.

And then, something happened. I lost my way. I didn't care as much any more. I let go of my goals and aspirations. Everything suffered.

It is only recently that I dusted myself off and clarified a new pathway to move forward again.

Do you know the feeling, Amanda?

Knowing where I have been and where I want to go are two different goal posts. 

We can measure them. And what we measure, we can change radically. 

Being crystal clear matters. 

But I also learned that our mind can be confused, blurry and unfocused. Our actions then are uncoordinated. They lack impact and strength. 

Now, more than ever, do I value clarity of mind, a burning passion and focused effort. 

Our energy and drive depend on them. Whenever we catch ourselves on "being low on energy", it just means that...

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Interviewing Cowboy Don Tolman

health lifestyle wellness Feb 12, 2021

I recently went to Gold Coast for a family holiday.

Guess who I bumped into for the second time over there!?!

Yep. Cowboy Don Tolman. 

We met him 4 years ago when my wife did a health/wellness course with him...

Not only did we meet the American again in the same city, we also stayed in the same hotel and even the same room number on a different level. Talking about 'coincidences'! 

Deepak Chopra calls this "synchro destiny", while other people would comment that it was meant to be.

Either way, I asked Don if he'd like to be interviewed and share what he's been working on as of late.

Find out more in the interview...

For easy reference, all parts of this interview are listed below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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A toast! (and the duck)

Happy new year!

Glad to be back on deck. If you can keep a secret: I missed doing what I love over the holidays :)

Let's raise a glass together and make a toast: that 2021 may be a welcome game changer in business and life!

After the turbulence of last year, if it didn't happen yet back then, then it's time to take ownership NOW. Time to take back control.

On our way back from the beach, my son and I noticed how a mother duck got separated from her baby ducks... (see image)

There's a deeper meaning to this...

The road border creates two different levels. The lower level is easy to get trapped on and is full of danger. The baby ducks can get hit by a fast car!

(the fast care being Covid, for example, or a business that struggles to stay relevant)

Reaching the higher level requires vision, boldness, personal strength and ability. It's not a given. Only a 'happy few' are here.

So, think about what level you are at. And how can you take back control?

Personally, I made a conscious...

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EQ series, part 3: Consciousness & Assertiveness


Last night, I watched an episode of Suits on Netflix. If you don't know this series, it's about a top end NY law firm. Very entertaining! 

Anyway, one of the name partners, Louis Litt, turned out to be bullied in school. He lacked the ability to stand up for himself.

It occurred to me that at one stage, most people have had a similar painful experience in which they felt out of control and gave in to someone else.

Sounds familiar?

I bet it does. I’ve been there too.

Time to become a superhero!

Learn how to become more conscious and assertive in my new video training

Consciousness and assertiveness are the third out of twenty elements that make up your emotional intelligence (in short: EI or EQ). 

Because we can measure it, we can transform it.

We also know that there is a fine balance between been blunt and borderline aggressive on one hand, and overly pleasing and submissive on the other. 

An assertive person has developed the ability to say their truth while...

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EQ series, part 2: Self-Awareness


Most probably, you have met business leaders whose behaviour truly put you off, without them even knowing. Right?

You also might have met salespeople who made you feel really awkward as a client and still be completely oblivious to your emotional experience...

I certainly remember how I kept repeating a destructive pattern until well into my thirties before I became more self-aware. Only then, did I make a commitment to make a change for the better.

Self-awareness is one of twenty subcategories of emotional intelligence. 

Because we can measure it, we can transform it.

Watch my second video in this series on EQ

Why would you watch it?

  • Great leaders have developed high levels of EQ
  • Exceptional sales professionals, especially those in the top 10%, have high levels of EQ
  • People that society perceives as unique role models and human beings tend to display high levels of EQ

The opposite is true too: poor leaders, average salesmen and women, and questionable citizens tend to stay...

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EQ series, part 1: Self-Esteem


Time to get personal!

Since March 2020, I noticed that many people got a beating. That is: emotionally speaking.

It made me launch a new series on emotional intelligence (EI or EQ in short). I'll show you what it consists of and how you build each element of it.

In the first video, we'll look at building self-appreciation, self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Golden nuggets - and yes - next time the small video will actually show my full face!!

Watch the new training here

Interesting times, for sure!

Looking forward to reading your comments and questions. Just select the Facebook button.

Note: even if no one else cares about you - the last man/woman standing should be you. 

Is it time to build your self-esteem?

Let me know.

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication Mastery, Business Development Academy and Digital Business Development Formula
Lead facilitator of Gold Membership
EQ Coach

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How to win business in challenging times

I'm not sure about you, but I surely haven't been sitting around... 

In fact, more than ever before have I been learning, trying and testing, refining and expanding my various marketing, business development and sales processes. 

Even though COVID represents a significant hit to my traditional business (being consulting and live events), I am so grateful that it has given us the time, the pain and the drive to make smart changes for the future.

Consider what we used to do to generate new business:

  • Research companies and people that we could do business with
  • Go to networking functions to expand our network
  • Host our own events and invite prospects to it
  • Invite people to coffee meetings
  • Do a needs analysis for them
  • Put a proposal together and then pitch it
  • Deal with all the reasons under the sun why to delay or defer a decision
  • Etc

You get the gist. A lot of valuable time goes into these activities. Possibly also a great deal of money. And only a percentage of all...

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Business Development Innovation


Yep. Business Development is definitely going digital! "Business As Usual" is no longer. Although some traditional BD ways still work nowadays, digital ways are taking over by storm. And the question is... Are you ready for the BD revolution in your business? Find out more in my new video

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