What is normal?

This is an interesting question.

The answer all depends on who you ask.

Let me clarify this for you by means of three examples.

  1. For most people, a 'normal' garage is large enough to accomodate 2 cars. For others, it's 4 cars. For even less people, it's a man cave that counts 8 collectors items and they are beautifully displayed.
  2. Equally, for most people, a 'normal' house counts 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 living areas on an overall footprint of 240 square meters with a comfortable garden. In contrast, for other people, a 'normal' house is the size of a mansion with a nice long drive way, a maze to get lost in, beautifully landscaped gardens and of course a swimming pool and tennis court.
  3. And finally, most people think about 'normal' traveling as doing so in economy to save money. However, there are people that consider business or first class as the new normal. Even less people travel in any other way than by private jet.

It all depends on your vision, mindset, beliefs and...

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Top 5 Misconceptions About Communication

Last week we said that communication makes or breaks relationships.

Communication is the glue between people and the better we get at it, the more happy and successful we become.

Another aspect that is easily overlooked is the way we think about it.

As a psychologist working with people all around the world, I have come across 5 misconceptions that undermine people's performance as a leader, a team member, an influencer, or a business person.

Misconceptions stand in the way of positive outcomes.

Misconceptions sabotage people's future.

Misconceptions take away from happiness and create more disconnect, misunderstandings, disagreements and fallouts.

In some extreme cases, I have seen how misconceptions and poor communication led to severe physical illness because the person wasn't enjoying wellness in their relationships.

Let's summarize the top 5 misconceptions:

  1. "Treat people they way you want to be treated." It means that you think there is a "one size fits all" approach. The...
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Looking in the rearview mirror

If you were to look in the rearview mirror of your life and business, what would you see?

  • Does what you see make you happy?
  • Or do you recognise that you would be in a much better place today if only you would have made different decisions earlier?

If only...

I'm not trying to make you feel bad just for the sake of it.

Rather, by being honest with yourself, you can make different decisions today.

Those decisions lead you down a different path to a different future with different outcomes.

Last week, a person who is more passionate about life and personal development than most people I know, asked me what the #1 success habit is. 

She came from the angle that, as we get busy in our professional and personal life, we tend to cut corners to fit as much in as we can.

There is not enough time for everything, so we pick, choose and drop.

It's worth asking ourselves: "What sets us up for a great day - every day?"

  1.  Physical activity first thing in the morning works for many,...
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$1 million


If a stranger in the street would walk up to you and ask you $1 million for nothing in return, would you give it to him?

No! Of course you wouldn’t.

And what if the roles were the other way around: he GIVES you $1 million for nothing in return, would you be open to it?

“Perhaps… but what’s the catch?”

First of all, there is nothing to buy here. So that you are at ease :-)

All I want is for you to open up your mind to the field of limitless opportunities.

There is a proverb that says that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

In sales, it means that we make sales in areas that we are strong at. It also follows that we miss out of sales in areas that are less developed.

You might, for example, invest a great deal of time in networking, without it generating enough new business. So the action is there, but not the result.

Equally, you might write lots of quotes, tenders and proposals, with only a few converting into a successful sale. A lot of...

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