$1 million


If a stranger in the street would walk up to you and ask you $1 million for nothing in return, would you give it to him?

No! Of course you wouldn’t.

And what if the roles were the other way around: he GIVES you $1 million for nothing in return, would you be open to it?

“Perhaps… but what’s the catch?”

First of all, there is nothing to buy here. So that you are at ease :-)

All I want is for you to open up your mind to the field of limitless opportunities.

There is a proverb that says that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

In sales, it means that we make sales in areas that we are strong at. It also follows that we miss out of sales in areas that are less developed.

You might, for example, invest a great deal of time in networking, without it generating enough new business. So the action is there, but not the result.

Equally, you might write lots of quotes, tenders and proposals, with only a few converting into a successful sale. A lot of precious time gone down the drain!

You get the point.

The good news is that there are always success formulas and tools available that, as you put them to work, they will work foryou (as they did for others).

I have made it my mission to constantly evolve and improve myself and my toolbox, so that I can benefit more and more people as well because…

A man’s wealth is not defined solely based on the dollars in his account. His wealth is also tied to the number of lives he touches for the better. This is my philosophy.

Today, and over the course of the next few days and weeks, I will be sheading light on a number of secret tools that I have found to work for many professionals looking to become more successful in dealing with customers – notably by winning more business, faster, in a reliable way.

What if you find ways to work smarter – not just harder?

Consider the first secret tool: your beautiful mind.

What are you feeding your mind? How are you developing it? How do you deal with limited thoughts and overcome negative emotions?

The truth is that your past doesn’t predict your future – even though most people would like to believe so.

You CAN bring about a completely different result than what you were used to – provided you use your mind differently.

Some time ago I was invited to present a keynote to graduate students of The University of Adelaide. The purpose was to inspire them with practical brain hacks that would serve them in the pursuit of a dream career and major goals.

Specifically, I shared 15 strategies for self-help that could serve you too. Proven ways to solicit the very best from your beautiful mind.

FYI – The keynote brought me thousands of dollars in revenue and was much loved by attendees. I am happy to give you access without anything in return.

You are welcome.

PS: please let me know what you love it and how my tools benefit you below the video…


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