Undercharging... A matter of self worth

As I am preparing for an upcoming webinar, I cannot but think about self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings in people.

What I mean is this: as soon as people need to charge for their services, their self worth will determine the amount of money they make.

Some people are very comfortable with the notion of money. They feel good about receiving money. They also value what they do and are comfortable about charging a decent amount for it.

Other people, in contrast, lack self esteem. They don't think highly of themselves or their skillset and experience, and as a consequence, UNDERCHARGE.

I think it is sad when knowledgeable, hard working professionals undervalue themselves and sell themselves short.

Not only does a lack of confidence in our own abilities and the work we do lead to less profit per transaction, it also deprives potential clients of trust in our abilities.

Here is the thing: if we don't trust ourselves, how can others ever do? If we don't value ourselves, how...

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$1 million


If a stranger in the street would walk up to you and ask you $1 million for nothing in return, would you give it to him?

No! Of course you wouldn’t.

And what if the roles were the other way around: he GIVES you $1 million for nothing in return, would you be open to it?

“Perhaps… but what’s the catch?”

First of all, there is nothing to buy here. So that you are at ease :-)

All I want is for you to open up your mind to the field of limitless opportunities.

There is a proverb that says that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

In sales, it means that we make sales in areas that we are strong at. It also follows that we miss out of sales in areas that are less developed.

You might, for example, invest a great deal of time in networking, without it generating enough new business. So the action is there, but not the result.

Equally, you might write lots of quotes, tenders and proposals, with only a few converting into a successful sale. A lot of...

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