Change to be on top of


I recorded a 1-minute video to share an important change in the economy that has occurred that you want to be on top of.

If you don't, it will hurt your career, business and income.

If you do, happy days  

Watch it now and tell me what you think?


Note: download a FREE copy of my book "Selling Is Out. Create Buy-In" at 

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Announcement and quick favour

Good news: the free workshop series "Business 2 Lifestyle" is kicking off tomorrow as promised! Very excited to share this valuable information with you.

I’d like to ask you a small favour…

Lately, I’ve been getting tons of questions from around the world about how to convert more business so that people can grow and scale TODAY. 

Even though lots of people have asked me to teach my success system and provide education, I have hesitated since I felt like I had to reinvent it due to recent developments. It just wasn’t the right time.

But now, because I received so many requests, and because I absolutely love the topic, I’ve finally decided to spill the beans on my new business development success system.

After literally 17 years of working in BD and coaching people in it, I’m now putting the finishing touches on my long-awaited “Business Development Accelerator” program. I love educating client-facing business owners, BDMs ,...

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Looking in the rearview mirror

If you were to look in the rearview mirror of your life and business, what would you see?

  • Does what you see make you happy?
  • Or do you recognise that you would be in a much better place today if only you would have made different decisions earlier?

If only...

I'm not trying to make you feel bad just for the sake of it.

Rather, by being honest with yourself, you can make different decisions today.

Those decisions lead you down a different path to a different future with different outcomes.

Last week, a person who is more passionate about life and personal development than most people I know, asked me what the #1 success habit is. 

She came from the angle that, as we get busy in our professional and personal life, we tend to cut corners to fit as much in as we can.

There is not enough time for everything, so we pick, choose and drop.

It's worth asking ourselves: "What sets us up for a great day - every day?"

  1.  Physical activity first thing in the morning works for many,...
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