What Stands In Your Way

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2021

You and I know that you have everything within you to succeed BIG.

We also know that people get in their own way. 

It comes in many shapes and forms: "self-sabotage", "limiting beliefs", "anxiety", "burnout", "depression", "imposture syndrome", "not feeling worthy", "lack of confidence", "feeling guilty", "paralysed by fear", "losing our mojo", etc.

I remember a time when I went through a major breakdown when my ex-fiancee chose someone else over me. I felt guttered. Rejected. Lost. Broken.

To make matters worse: I was near broke too. 

So how did I turn things around back in 2010? How did I pick myself up and reclaimed my personal power?

It all started with me admitting that I was 100% responsible for my life and that I am the one to clean up my sh**.

You see, we're all in the same boat. When we take our eye of the ball, or look away, we get side tracked.

The Universe, then, gives us feedback so that we can adjust course. And it will keep delivering similar painful...

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How To hack it

Universal laws work 100% of the time, just like gravity. 

One of those laws is the law of gratitude. It says that by counting your blessings every day, more positive people, opportunities and circumstances come your way.

Over time, I have found that the more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to continue it. Also, it builds energy, resilience, creative thinking, empathy, and many other traits that benefit us and the people around us. 

As ancient wisdom says, there is a seed of good in everything. Covid, for example, although it set my business back financially in a major way initially, has been a blessing in disguise.

  • What used to be local, in-person events truly turned into national and international gatherings with different networking opportunities.
  • Limited client access and growth perspectives made room for scalability thanks to technology that people have learned to embrace.
  • While we used to run events for full days or multiple days, we've learned to be more...
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How To Innovate Your Business & Prosper From Your Passion Right NOW

This week is going to be epic.

I appreciate you following me and I want to Thank You in a special way.

Last week, I interviewed Ben Harvey from Authentic Education with a specific purpose in mind.

If you haven't heard of him or his business, let me get you up to speed with some fast facts:

  • Ben is a difference maker who had over 45,000 people do his courses.
  • His business is a BRW Fast 100 Company.
  • Ben has shared the stage with Tony Robbins and includes several international celebrities among his private coaching clients.

Given the turbulent times we're in and the fact that Ben and his business partner Cham pivoted their own business model (which was largely dependent on in-person events) successfully, I asked him to share interesting ways to innovate businesses right now.

Not only did Ben deliver plenty refreshing ideas to do so...

One, for example, being a night club owner who completely reinvented his business since Covid-19 shut his doors. Fascinating how this man did it!


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How To Deal With Forceful Prospects & Clients

Have you ever had to deal with aggressive, forceful, intimidating people in business?

I have.

Truthfully, it is easy to be thrown off and take things personally. It's also easy to judge people when they come across as being aggressive. 

There is one particular experience of mine that jumps to mind.

Specifically, it happened many years ago with two guys from Switzerland. 

It was one of my first raw introductions to the 'Power Frame" in its full glory. lol.

Watch my new video to find out more about this frame and how you can deal with it elegantly next time a similar situation happens to you.

There is something to be learned here.

Comments or questions? Please write them below.

Also, if you'd like to work with me, there are four ways of doing so:

  1. Download a FREE copy of my book “Selling Is Out. Create Buy-In”
  2. Do an online course in your own time
  3. Want a private consult? Schedule a virtual coffee with me
  4. For specific coaching, start here
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Introducing "Frames"

In your business, do you run promotions?

I ask, because there is a bit of of controversy around this...

You know... you run a promotion until a certain deadline upon which it expires. 

The reason you do so is to create urgency along with an incentive for people to take up your offer. People start experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out). 

Businesses have been using promotions for as long as we can remember, because they work a treat!

That's why we have things like Boxing Day Shopping or End of The Financial Year Clearance.

Everybody loves getting a better deal...

But there is more to it.

The other week, people in our business development coaching community raised the question whether or not we should extend promotions that are time-sensitive.

It's an excellent question.

Imagine that a client approaches you past the expiry date, saying something along the lines of "Sorry, I was away on holidays. Surely you can still honour the promotion?"

What do you do in that...

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Download The FREE Business Development Roadmap

I just finished a 12.5 km run as part of my training for a competitive marathon later this month.

What has that got to do with you?

Nothing really :) 

But the brand-new Business Development Roadmap does.

You see, most services business owners want to grow their revenue and personal income, especially when they also have time and freedom to enjoy it.

But often people are their own worst enemy.

They do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and they expect that loose bits will make a unified system.

Take business development for instance...

  • People know that networking is important so they go to functions once in a while. Most of the time with little outcome.
  • They hear that online advertising is important to generate leads, so they throw a bit of money at it and watch what happens... Nothing.
  • Then someone tells them to do a podcast or write a blog, and off they go and put in some time... Again, little (or nothing) comes back so they throw the towel in the ring. 


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How To Attract More Ideal Clients, Consistently

Growth is a choice and involves being proactive.

Also, it is about getting your head straight and align your actions with it.

The second workshop as part of the "Services Business Growth" series is ready for you.

One key component lots of services business owners struggle with is getting a steady influx of ideal clients.

Often, they fall into a start-stop approach. One time they generate a lot of new business. They then get busy delivering the services...

As they do, the sales pipeline dries up and so they have to start all over again with a delay in fresh revenue coming through the door.

A start-stop approach hurts.

That's why I created this second workshop for you: to help you attract more ideal clients, consistently. 

Download my slidedeck and take the workshop here 

Bonus training: in the online workshop, I'll also show you how to create multiple income streams in addition to your services so that you can reach your target income more easily.

See you inside!


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Is Your Business Giving You What You Want?

The first 6 years of my professional career I sold premium products working for someone else. 11 years I have been running my business offering value adding services.

The latter can be difficult and stressful. There are many 'tests' to challenge our determination and resilience as business owners. Many ups and downs.

When I recently thought about who I easily relate to, it is business owners that are in the market of offering valuable experience, knowhow and insights to the benefit of other people and organisations.

Call it the services-based business owners.

I see many of them wanting more time, more money, more freedom and less stress. Trust me... I fully get it!

The reality is that many don't succeed in this area. It's the reason why so many businesses fail or don't live past the 10 year mark. It's the reason why so many business owners are stuck working long hours.

I wanted to so something about this. Reflecting on my learning lessons from 17 years in business, I have created a...

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Dedicated to Services-Based Business Owners

As I announced last week, I have been busy making something truly unique for you and I am unveiling it today.

Having been a business owner for 11 years now, I asked myself who I easily relate to and feel most affinity with.

The answer is other business owners who offer services.

To me, it means that you have a calling, a passion to help clients in your particular field of expertise, and you live it.

You also embrace the challenges that come with business ownership and employ people. 

I love that! We are leaders and want to make a difference in the world.

It lead me to create a purpose-built Facebook group in which like-minded people can connect, share, learn, achieve personal and business growth, and help each other.

And this is only the beginning. As of next week, we'll be posting regularly on topics relevant for services-based business owners. 

And you can do so too by becoming part of it.

Join us! It's free. Be my guest :)

In addition, I am very excited to announce the...

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Unpacking Your Value Proposition

Is it okay for us to have a bit of fun?

I just made a short video to wish you a Happy Easter AND provide you further insights into how you communicate with clients.

The reality is: many advisors and BDMs position themselves and their value proposition the wrong way. 

As they do, they loose legitimate business opportunities and rationalise it by saying that "the client went for a cheaper option elsewhere".

Or they will comfort themselves by saying that "the client doesn't get it".

They make up all sorts of reasons (also called excuses) because it's easier to point fingers at someone else compared to taking responsibility that the approach taken was not suitable.

Equally, any time a client tells you that your solution "is too dear", it means something else.

Find out more in the new video I made for you

Comments and questions are welcome below the video. 

Oh... and Happy Easter!

Your success coach,

Bram Lagrou

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