"We always pay our tuition fees", said grandpa

My grandpa (may he RIP) used to say that we always pay our tuition fees.

There are 3 ways we do so:

  • Through mistakes we make while doing something new,
  • By not taking action and thus missing out, OR
  • By investing in shortcuts.

In terms of the first one, it takes courage to undertake something new and failure is inevitably part of the journey to success.

Seen this way, 'failure' really is testing and improving until we succeed. It can take years.

The second one is a hefty price to pay though. The one of regret.

Not taking action because of analysis paralysis, fear of making a mistake, a scarcity mindset, etc.

We can surrender to our logical, analytical mind where the ego lives, OR fuel our intuitive voice of inspiration, passion and purpose.  

Which one rules in your world when push comes to shove?

I ask because the more I study the science and art of success in any field, the more evident it is that success follows a predictable pathway.

A pathway that harmoniously links together Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions.

BUT... People easily fall pray to internal conflicts. 

They don't feel good enough... 

They are afraid of taking the next step...

They give up when the going gets tough...

They don't see themselves reaching their goals...

And the list goes on and on.

This is due to a lack of personal mastery, which limits their business, career, relationships, wellbeing and financial success. 

What would it be worth to you to master your life?

And in terms of business development, what would it cost you to do nothing differently than what you are doing today?

Once again, we always pay our tuition fees in one of three ways:

  1. By doing through trial-and-error; it costs time, effort and money
  2. The cost of inaction, missed opportunities and regret; excuse-making
  3. By investing in your personal development; you empower yourself with a shortcut

If you'd like our help with an amazing shortcut, two of our best programs are starting soon and you can join in from ANYWHERE:

Master your communication, Master your life

Open the floodgates to more business, faster than ever before

Note: they are sooo good that we offer a money back guarantee.

P.S. how do you like the new signage on one of the busiest streets in Adelaide?


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