The Whole Food Medicine Man is back!

Great news:

The "Whole Food Medicine Man", cowboy Don Tolman, is back!

I interviewed him last week in Bali (Indonesia) after he recovered from a horrific car accident for over a year.

At age 77, Don still looks amazing. 

He has a great sense of humour, albeit cheeky (ask my wife).

More than ever, Don's teachings about the Ancients and healthy living has merit today.

In video 1, we start off reflecting on the actual car accident, how it affected him, and his experience with doctors and Big Pharma.

In video 2, Don shares how he recovered the natural way - even though 7 doctors tried to convince him to do extensive surgery and take medication.

In video 3, Don talks about healers, the 7 healing principles and public schools.

In video 4, you will learn about Don's research into vaccinations, the natural principles of expansion and contraction, and cardiovascular problems.

Finally, in video 5, Don shares his views on water and food, killing animals and the number one cause of...

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3 Focus Points

clarity health wealth Dec 17, 2021

I'm not sure about you but we are wrapping things up here - gifts as well as business! 

Before heading into the festive season, I'd like to express my gratitude for coming along the journey with me. 

Secondly, I want to support you in three meaningful ways for 2022:

  1. Make time for CLARITY. Give yourself the gift of a clear mind, heart and direction. You can only attain it by investing time and making efforts. Should you like some help with it, join me mid January for my online workshop designed to give you clarity, purpose, energy and focus. Register here
  2. Keep an eye on your HEALTH. Your body is your temple. We will be eating and drinking a lot more than what we need, so it's a good idea to go back to basics. Some time ago, Don Tolman, the health guru, and I created a thought provoking interview that we split in 8 short video segments for you to enjoy. Start here
  3. Build your WEALTH. Both in terms of knowledge and skills but also financially speaking. The...
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Interviewing Cowboy Don Tolman

health lifestyle wellness Feb 12, 2021

I recently went to Gold Coast for a family holiday.

Guess who I bumped into for the second time over there!?!

Yep. Cowboy Don Tolman. 

We met him 4 years ago when my wife did a health/wellness course with him...

Not only did we meet the American again in the same city, we also stayed in the same hotel and even the same room number on a different level. Talking about 'coincidences'! 

Deepak Chopra calls this "synchro destiny", while other people would comment that it was meant to be.

Either way, I asked Don if he'd like to be interviewed and share what he's been working on as of late.

Find out more in the interview...

For easy reference, all parts of this interview are listed below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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Goodbye to...

Yesterday, I finished an in-house training session at a client's. I was happy with my delivery and the way the people had engaged during the session and wanted to "spoil myself" afterwards. 

After dinner, I excused myself from my family for 45 minutes, jumped in my car and drove to my favourite gelato place. Those flavours seemed so divine while I was savouring them!

And what a turnaround at night! My brain was fired up. I went to bed late. Spend time on my computer. I had a hard time sleeping. 

While I usually jump out of the bed ready to seize the day, I felt sluggish, tired and slept in... 

This is NOT what high performance looks like. It made me realise that our energy reflects our previous actions.

When we do something that lifts our energy, we are guaranteed of the result. Equally, when we eat carbohydrates and refined sugar for dinner, chances are that it will affect our sleep and therefore our energy the next day.

Books like "Superhuman" by Dave Asprey...

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