A disconnect

The #1 thing that stands in the way of your success is a disconnect.

Just like a radio that doesn't tune in with the right frequency, or a poorly adjusted guitar, you too are either fully connected or disconnected.

What I mean by that, is the relationship between your head and your heart.

If you recall the famous saying by Napeleon Hill "What man can conceive and believe, he can achieve" - you read about head ("conceive") and heart ("believe") working in unison. They are congruent and therefore bear fruit ("achieve").

So in what area of your life do you have a disconnect playing out?

I ask, because... Anytime we entertain a disconnect, we pay a price for it.

For example:

  • If you have the slightest conflict about "money", you will find reasons to experience a lack of money.
  • If you think or believe that you are not meant to have a happy relationship, you will find ways to sabotage your love life.
  • If you feel that you are not worthy of love, you might overeat, not take care of...
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Talking love business

I'm hosting a popular online event and I'd love to welcome you as my guest.

More specifically, it's a workshop designed to help you fast-track success.

Previous attendees LOVED it and so will you.

Before I tell you more about it, can I share a personal story with you?

I was 35 years of age. I had a lot going for me: my business was growing, I lived in a beautiful house in a prestigious suburb, trusted brands engaged my services, I drove a nice German car and earned good money... 

But something was missing.

After a terrible breakup with my then fiancee, I looked back on my life and realised that I felt empty within despite all the perks. I felt alone and wanted to find that special someone to share my life with.

Moreover, when I looked really deep inside myself, it became clear to me that I was 100% responsible for the series of unhappy relationships I got into. 

That's when I decided to turn things around. I intimately knew that something within me had to change...

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The Day I Got The Envelope

A few years back, I got myself into trouble.

BIG trouble.

I remember arriving at home and seeing a big envelope stuck between our two front doors. 

Andrea, my wife, and I instantly knew what it meant.

The bank sent a debt collector and was about to take away our family home.

Our instant reaction was to become anxious. Fear flared up, whether we wanted it or not.

Having said that, I also remember how my mind switched gears quickly.

Years of personal development was bearing fruits. I recognised how this situation was helping me to develop better money habits. 

Up until that point, money was easy to make, but it didn't stay for long.

It cannot when you have a mindset that thinks "money is there to fuel the economy". That's exactly where my money went!

It gets even worse when you are convinced that you have to choose between money and doing good out there...

As if you couldn't combine the two.

The point is: just as much as a happy, loving relationship is part of a...

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