A disconnect

The #1 thing that stands in the way of your success is a disconnect.

Just like a radio that doesn't tune in with the right frequency, or a poorly adjusted guitar, you too are either fully connected or disconnected.

What I mean by that, is the relationship between your head and your heart.

If you recall the famous saying by Napeleon Hill "What man can conceive and believe, he can achieve" - you read about head ("conceive") and heart ("believe") working in unison. They are congruent and therefore bear fruit ("achieve").

So in what area of your life do you have a disconnect playing out?

I ask, because... Anytime we entertain a disconnect, we pay a price for it.

For example:

  • If you have the slightest conflict about "money", you will find reasons to experience a lack of money.
  • If you think or believe that you are not meant to have a happy relationship, you will find ways to sabotage your love life.
  • If you feel that you are not worthy of love, you might overeat, not take care of yourself, and be overweight.
  • If you don't have anything worthwhile to live for, you will feel stuck and dissatisfied, and engage in "pass time" activities.

You get the picture. Being unsuccessful in a given area often stems from a disconnect between head and heart. 

And the good news is: just as much as you are capable of rising above it all by creating harmony between your thoughts and feelings, we all have something to take care of.

We all have our own 'struggles' which are merely an opportunity for us to grow.

It's exactly what I spoke about in one my latest videos. Like you, I have my lessons to learn and talk openly about it.

Watch it here

(you can also listen to the audio in the links below the video)

Any time we turn a blind eye to our 'issues', we reject them and perpetuate the disconnect.

What is deprived of love, will bounce back in your face until you finally recognise and accept it.

So, I kindly invite you to take charge and face your inner demons.

Don't see them as a problem. See them as a gift. 

Should you like having a bit more guidance with this, I'd love to see you in my online workshop "3 Essential Steps To Master Your Mind And Your Life" this week.

Talk soon,



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