And then... he was gone

Yesterday, I met with someone I really value. 

He talked about his father passing away unexpectedly and they hadn't been able to resolve a conflict between them that has lasted for years. 

Needless to say that he felt disturbed and sad that the last opportunity to resolve the matter with his dad had vanished. 

I feel for them, because I had a similar situation with my uncle who I haven't spoken to for the last 7 years of his life. And then... he was gone.

Both situations show that communication can easily break down. We think we are right and the others are wrong. We'd rather be right than be happy. We let our ego get in the way. 

In business, I see a similar dynamic undermining people's success.

We judge people that are different to us. We label someone a 'difficult' client or staff member. We call them all sorts of names, just to conceal that we don't know how to deal with them effectively.

Seriously - it's not about them, but all about us.

Blaming others is so...

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Unpacking Your Value Proposition

Is it okay for us to have a bit of fun?

I just made a short video to wish you a Happy Easter AND provide you further insights into how you communicate with clients.

The reality is: many advisors and BDMs position themselves and their value proposition the wrong way. 

As they do, they loose legitimate business opportunities and rationalise it by saying that "the client went for a cheaper option elsewhere".

Or they will comfort themselves by saying that "the client doesn't get it".

They make up all sorts of reasons (also called excuses) because it's easier to point fingers at someone else compared to taking responsibility that the approach taken was not suitable.

Equally, any time a client tells you that your solution "is too dear", it means something else.

Find out more in the new video I made for you

Comments and questions are welcome below the video. 

Oh... and Happy Easter!

Your success coach,

Bram Lagrou

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