And then... he was gone

Yesterday, I met with someone I really value. 

He talked about his father passing away unexpectedly and they hadn't been able to resolve a conflict between them that has lasted for years. 

Needless to say that he felt disturbed and sad that the last opportunity to resolve the matter with his dad had vanished. 

I feel for them, because I had a similar situation with my uncle who I haven't spoken to for the last 7 years of his life. And then... he was gone.

Both situations show that communication can easily break down. We think we are right and the others are wrong. We'd rather be right than be happy. We let our ego get in the way. 

In business, I see a similar dynamic undermining people's success.

We judge people that are different to us. We label someone a 'difficult' client or staff member. We call them all sorts of names, just to conceal that we don't know how to deal with them effectively.

Seriously - it's not about them, but all about us.

Blaming others is so much easier than to face our own demons and stand up to them. 

Self-responsibility, in contrast, is what separates truly remarkable people.

I have devoted my entire life to studying and teaching the science behind behaviour, influencing and communication.

Why? Because people can learn how to put their differences aside and as they do, become great leaders and wonderful business professionals.

But more importantly: when people get along with others, they have peace of mind. They sleep better at night. They don't have to waste their time or energy on trivia (which disagreements and misunderstandings often are).

I personally love helping people to communicate masterfully so that they create win-wins.

Rarely do I open up Communication Mastery 2.0 as a LIVE training and coaching program but it is open for a short while this week.

Perhaps you recognise that you can do a lot better when it comes to communicating with other people.

We both know it starts at home! Communication with your spouse and other significant others (e.g. kids). Communication with your staff and business partners. Communication with your clients.

Let me ask you, Test: What would the world look like if you could completely reinvent the way you build relationships? 

Do you think it could make you more successful and happy?

You bet it would.

The last 8 years have shown that people that are willing to make the effort can make more progress in 8 weeks with me than they do in a decade on their own. 

There is good reason for Communication Mastery 2.0 selling out every time. 

Check it out and register before we close the doors again

We're starting next week!

Bram Lagrou


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