RIP Bob Proctor

Sad news:

Bob Proctor, one of the world’s leaders in the self-help industry, passed away 3rd February 2022. 

Doug Wead, Former Special Assistant to the President in the Bush White House wrote the following: 

“Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul, the master storyteller, Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker.” 

How interesting that he died at age 88, given the numerological meaning of the master number 88: 

"Number 8 alone symbolizes infinity and balance. Its amplified version, Number 88, can be especially entrepreneurial. It carries 8 times the intuitive energies of Master Number 11 as well as 4 times the visionary and manifestation of Master Number 22. It is double the business-like, disciplined, persistent, and structured energies of Number 44. But make no mistake, Number 88 is far from shallow, materialistic, and only interested in the physical world. Number 88 reduces to 16 and then, finally, to 7—the most spiritual and introspective number. Any Number 88 endeavour is propelled by a higher spiritual purpose."  (source: ) 

In Chinese culture, number 88 symbolizes fortune and good luck, since the word 8 sounds similar to the word fā (which implies wealth in Mandarin or Cantonese). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number in Chinese culture, and prices in Chinese supermarkets often contain many 8s.

Spiritual he certainly was. Bob made it his life’s mission to teach people about the law of attraction, self-actualisation, self-talk and prosperity consciousness. 

Are you the kind of person that is putting the law of attraction to work for you? Are you actualising yourself? Is your self-talk positive most of the time, so that you can grow and thrive? Do you have a prosperity consciousness? 

The reason I ask, is that in business you want to be a high performer. If any of these elements brake down, it will hurt you. 

In my live workshop tomorrow, I’ll share the 4 pillars of easy selling with you… A master skill for a life of abundance! 

Reserve your free ticket here 

RIP Bob Proctor – you’ve been a mighty source of inspiration! 

Bram Lagrou


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