How To hack it

Universal laws work 100% of the time, just like gravity. 

One of those laws is the law of gratitude. It says that by counting your blessings every day, more positive people, opportunities and circumstances come your way.

Over time, I have found that the more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to continue it. Also, it builds energy, resilience, creative thinking, empathy, and many other traits that benefit us and the people around us. 

As ancient wisdom says, there is a seed of good in everything. Covid, for example, although it set my business back financially in a major way initially, has been a blessing in disguise.

  • What used to be local, in-person events truly turned into national and international gatherings with different networking opportunities.
  • Limited client access and growth perspectives made room for scalability thanks to technology that people have learned to embrace.
  • While we used to run events for full days or multiple days, we've learned to be more...
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How To Attract More Ideal Clients, Consistently

Growth is a choice and involves being proactive.

Also, it is about getting your head straight and align your actions with it.

The second workshop as part of the "Services Business Growth" series is ready for you.

One key component lots of services business owners struggle with is getting a steady influx of ideal clients.

Often, they fall into a start-stop approach. One time they generate a lot of new business. They then get busy delivering the services...

As they do, the sales pipeline dries up and so they have to start all over again with a delay in fresh revenue coming through the door.

A start-stop approach hurts.

That's why I created this second workshop for you: to help you attract more ideal clients, consistently. 

Download my slidedeck and take the workshop here 

Bonus training: in the online workshop, I'll also show you how to create multiple income streams in addition to your services so that you can reach your target income more easily.

See you inside!


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