How To hack it

Universal laws work 100% of the time, just like gravity. 

One of those laws is the law of gratitude. It says that by counting your blessings every day, more positive people, opportunities and circumstances come your way.

Over time, I have found that the more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to continue it. Also, it builds energy, resilience, creative thinking, empathy, and many other traits that benefit us and the people around us. 

As ancient wisdom says, there is a seed of good in everything. Covid, for example, although it set my business back financially in a major way initially, has been a blessing in disguise.

  • What used to be local, in-person events truly turned into national and international gatherings with different networking opportunities.
  • Limited client access and growth perspectives made room for scalability thanks to technology that people have learned to embrace.
  • While we used to run events for full days or multiple days, we've learned to be more succinct and engaging in sprint-type sessions, giving people more time back in the day.
  • We'd all be traveling by car, plane or public transport to get from our home to a venue somewhere, only now to do it from the peace and quiet of our home, plus we save time.
  • We've traded corporate for home offices with our cats and dogs around. (in our case, a bunny)
  • Fancy business attire has been replaced with quirky Zoom outfits :-)

I don't know about you, but in my experience, change can be meaningful, provided we find our blessings in it. 

So gratitude aligning us with one of those universal laws, which other ones are accessible to us to find success in our relationships, business, health, career, happiness and financial affairs?

Find out in my FREE online workshop "The 3 Ultimate Life Coaching Hacks To Fast-Track Success"

While you undoubtedly have heard of computer hackers and might think negatively of them, life coaching hacks are success enablers...

"hacking it" means to manage successfully.

With that in mind, let me share with you the 3 Ultimate Life Coaching Hacks to become more successful faster.

Register here - It's FREE

Talk soon,

Bram Lagrou

Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication MasterySpeak Up Clean UpBest Year Ever
Speaker at Business Development Academy and Purpose Passion Power
Host of the National $ales Conference
Mentor of EQ MasterMind


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