How To Deal With Forceful Prospects & Clients

Have you ever had to deal with aggressive, forceful, intimidating people in business?

I have.

Truthfully, it is easy to be thrown off and take things personally. It's also easy to judge people when they come across as being aggressive. 

There is one particular experience of mine that jumps to mind.

Specifically, it happened many years ago with two guys from Switzerland. 

It was one of my first raw introductions to the 'Power Frame" in its full glory. lol.

Watch my new video to find out more about this frame and how you can deal with it elegantly next time a similar situation happens to you.

There is something to be learned here.

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  1. Download a FREE copy of my book “Selling Is Out. Create Buy-In”
  2. Do an online course in your own time
  3. Want a private consult? Schedule a virtual coffee with me
  4. For specific coaching, start here
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