About Bram Lagrou (company)

Since 2010, our company has helped people to excel in business and life.
Here you’ll learn: Who we help, What we do, our Philosophy, and Team members.


Who we help

We help business leaders and employees, mums and dads, old and young. Typically people who are serious about personal and professional development because they have a growth and can-do mindset. They are givers rather than takers. They do things ethically out of love. They combine great minds and hearts. Our community is forever growing and connects people all over the world.

What do we do 

  1. We help these people achieve “People Skills Bliss” - having confidence in dealing with anyone (even 'difficult' people) and communicating with power. We do this through our best-selling course since 2013 called Communication Mastery. 

  2. We help these people achieve "Business Bliss" - enjoying the freedom that time and money brings. We help them attract more ideal clients, increase profit, and save time. We do this through our signature course Business Development Accelerator. 


Our philosophy

We follow a philosophy built on 6 core principles:

  1. Impact – we make a positive difference. We track progress and measure results.
  2. People – we serve the best interests of those that seek our help. They are our Why.
  3. Love – we choose love and inspiration. We care about others and let it transpire in everything we do and say.
  4. Transform – we help people create lasting change as a result of consistent training, coaching and implementation.
  5. Profit – our business operates under the law of fair exchange. The more clients we look after, the more people we can help.
  6. Excellence – we combine quality and practicality. World-class is our benchmark.


Our team


We are a husband and wife team supported by other top-notch human beings:

Jess and Sanja help us with events, Sharnee and Fiona look after online marketing, and Dim takes care of systems.

It’s wise to focus on less and let others work their magic so we all do our bit well and joyfully, together.

With warm regards,

Andrea and Bram Lagrou


Contacting us 

The best way to contact us is via email or by booking a 15 minute Zoom meeting below.

You can follow Bram Lagrou on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.   

Join our Newsletter here and receive quality emails every week, written by Bram Lagrou personally. 

Our Privacy policy, Terms and conditions, and other legal pages are here.

Our address is Unit 11, 70 Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville, SA 5081, Australia.

Email us here