What Stands In Your Way

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2021

You and I know that you have everything within you to succeed BIG.

We also know that people get in their own way. 

It comes in many shapes and forms: "self-sabotage", "limiting beliefs", "anxiety", "burnout", "depression", "imposture syndrome", "not feeling worthy", "lack of confidence", "feeling guilty", "paralysed by fear", "losing our mojo", etc.

I remember a time when I went through a major breakdown when my ex-fiancee chose someone else over me. I felt guttered. Rejected. Lost. Broken.

To make matters worse: I was near broke too. 

So how did I turn things around back in 2010? How did I pick myself up and reclaimed my personal power?

It all started with me admitting that I was 100% responsible for my life and that I am the one to clean up my sh**.

You see, we're all in the same boat. When we take our eye of the ball, or look away, we get side tracked.

The Universe, then, gives us feedback so that we can adjust course. And it will keep delivering similar painful experiences until we OWN UP to ourselves and make a change for the better.

In my case, I didn't want to get hurt in my relationship again so I closed my heart and didn't allow myself to become vulnerable. As a consequence, I went from one unhappy relationship into another until I finally healed the past. 

So, if you regularly go through a similar painful experience, I want you to TRUST that you are on the verge of a major breakthrough. 

That is... if you allow it to happen.

Too often we become so 'tight' that we try to control everything. We become a bit of a control freak.

But the thing is: acting like a micro-manager doesn't do you any good, nor the people around you. 

It's a manifestation of self-sabotage. It goes against the flow. 

Self-actualising people KNOW in their heart that they hold the keys to a successful future and that they sometimes need to challenge themselves through someone else.

That's where I come in. Let me take you on a personal development journey.

Join my webinar called "3 Essential Steps To Master Your Mind And Your Life".

Grab a FREE ticket here

I'm going to make it well worth your while.

Register now before you miss out. It's a LIVE event.

See you soon,

Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication Mastery and Business Development Academy
Host of the National $ales Conference 
Founder of the membership Business Development Accelerator
Coach at EQ MasterMind 


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