click funnels or Kajabi: which one is king?

You might be thinking
"between clickfunnels on the one hand and kajabi on the other hand, which one is king? Which one would be the best suited for me?"
Well, I've obviously got some experience in working with all sorts of technologies online including those too and I wanted to give you a little bit of an insight in terms of what I think based on my experience with these platforms and others which one really is King but different people need different things and so you'll see based on the three main points that I'm going to be sharing with you which one would be most suitable for you.
First things first: I think that there is a big difference in main focus between the two platforms.
Whilst click funnels is heavily focused on marketing and selling anything (whether it's online training, an event, a product like a DVD or a CD, or a program or a book of some kind), that's pretty much what click funnels does really, really well.
Kajabi initially started as a software designed to help people to deliver membership subscriptions. If you're looking for recurring programs where you are charging your clients for the delivery of content and information and you want to have a really beautifully designed website to help you do that, that's where Kajabi started and they're very very good at doing exactly that (and more).
I think though in terms of sales and marketing that click funnels has got the edge. In my experience, click funnels is broader in terms of application. Whilst you could sell online and offline programs, coaching services, books and so on through Kajabi as well, it's not really as cutting edge as click funnels.
The next thing is affiliate commissions. It's very straightforward that if you look at the two different options available, click funnels will give you 40% of all revenue made for the entire lifetime of the customer whilst Kajabi will pay 30% commissions for the lifetime of the customer..
Now obviously 40% versus 30% only matters in the context of the exact numbers. 30% of let's say $300 is more than 40% of $100 and so it's really depending on how you look at it.
It shows you that click funnels has a mindset that says "if you're an affiliate and you help us to access more clients we want to reward you with 40% of anything we make". In contrast, with Kajabi 30% is yours.
Again, up to you to make the decision in terms of what's best.

The third main difference between the two platforms is additional sales. Those two platforms are really designed to do one thing more than the other.
Because click funnels is very much a marketing and sales funnel type of software rather than a delivery platform, it really helps you to easily offer upsells or down sells depending on what you want and even schedule multiple ones in a row.
I personally have been a Kajabi user and affiliate for many years already and so I really know the platform inside-out. I found though that there are specific challenges at times with the software. For example: when you're looking to offer one product at a hundred or $97 and a second for $37 (as a downsell), you might want to add one more thing that people can buy for $200 (as an upsell). Kajabi doesn't do that.
Also, click funnels has the extra functionality to allow pop ups to encourage people to jump on the wagon as well... They say "such-and-such in this particular country/state has bought this five minutes ago; such-and-such has bought this one hour ago..."  
Pop-ups like these just give an extra push (along with social proof) to get people across the line to actually opt in and buy the thing that you're offering.
In short: sales and marketing wise, click funnels is amazing. I find the functionality of Kajabi in that regard is rather limited and it doesn't have those extra features to help push people across the line. I haven't been a click funnels affiliate and user for a long time at all but I do love how it comes across and how it does business online. 
In order to make the best choice, it depends on what you want:
  • If you are looking to help more people with an ongoing (paid) subscription service and want a great delivery platform for that where you earn 30% affiliate commissions, with great opt-in pages, deliver training automated online and even have funnels pre created for you, Kajabi is right for you.
  • If however you are a sales and marketing focused person that not only offers memberships but online training, coaching, live events, book launches and so forth, and you want to earn 40 percent affiliate commission, I think click funnels is then the way to go.

In case you'd like to do a 14-day FREE trial of either one of the platforms, go to:


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